Ordered a rather expensive front door. Prior to ordering I told the supplier that I wanted PS24. They said that being a European company they don't do PS24 (that being a British standard) but they can offer European equivalent. I gullibly said yes.
Supplier has been very slow in general. Several months after I signed off on the post survey drawings, I get an email telling me that they design I want can't be done with 5 point multipoint locking and i can either change the design or accept 3
This is a topic that always irks me to be honest, one that invokes heated debated and I'm right you're wrong answers.
In my honest opinion, SBD is no better than RC2 - they are both based on EN1627-30 which is the European standard. I have supplied European windows into the UK market for years and one supplier refuses to obtain additional certification (SBD/Pas24) for certifications they already have (EN1627-30). Gravenhill is an example and one that @Visti will confirm. Every single