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Save Money: My Beautiful Green Home

Gone West

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I started to watch this program, on ITV,  last night. I stopped watching it soon after starting when they stated that UFH was more efficient than radiators and was a way of turning your home into an 'eco home'. The program was so full of misinformation, it was certainly the worst program I have watched on the subject and made me really annoyed. Needless to say I won't be watching again. Glad that's off my chest.

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3 hours ago, Gone West said:

they stated that UFH was more efficient than radiators and was a way of turning your home into an 'eco home'.




I think sometimes it's just that people don't understand the difference between "efficient" and "effective", as it's possible (but by no means certain) UFH could be more effective than some aging and poorly placed radiators.

But authoritatively equating this to achieving an ecohome (whatever that is) on primetime TV is lazy and irresponsible.

My neighbour, a lifelong builder, was raving about this programme this morning. The desire to learn more is there, but entertainment TV does not sound the best teacher. 

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It was mostly woeful, I really dislike when they present 'eco' homes as either something a hobbit would want to live in or a £4m Surrey Huf Haus on rolling acres. GD often guilty of this also.


Sends the message that to be more efficient you either need to be super wealthy or massively compromise your living conditions.


The segment on improving insulation was better but rarely any mention of airtightness as the core source of heat loss in many properties.


On a side note, Times has a EPC look up tool in today's online (if you register you get 2 free articles per week per email you use). Reading the comments is free :)





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