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Window position in cavity


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Hi all,

We're going through detailed design with our architect at the moment and we're aiming for reasonably efficient/airtight construction without going as far as passive.  Wall U-value around 0.13, and windows will be 3G with a U-value around 0.8.


Looking at our window detailing our windows are positioned in the fairly "standard" position - mounted to the outer leaf of the wall, with the inside of the window approximately in line with the outer edge of the cavity.  Should I be asking to push the window position further back into the cavity for increased efficiency, or is it not really worth the complexity?  And the silly question if so - how are the windows supported?!


Thank you.

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Very typical of an standard English detail. Sit it further inside. A good early starting point at this detailed stage, is work out where the dew point is.


Then you know where the window needs to sit.

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I used “check reveals”, windows within the cavity fixed to the back of the outer skin, window sat on the outer brick cills (which came back into the cavity a little) Saves having to fill gaps with silicone which can look messy (IMO) stainless brackets and screws and foam tape between window and brick/block.

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