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Sewage Treatment Plant - commissioning certificate by BC - is that normal?


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There's no requirement that I can see for a commissioning certificate, and no process for generating one that I can find, either.  Our building inspector only wanted to see that it was installed according to the MIs, and there was no bit of paper, he just came over to see the drain pressure test, which we did before fully burying the treatment plant.

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Same here. BC wanted to inspect and witness a pressure test on the drains before they were covered. When I called them to inspect the final 3 metre run when I connected the plant they were too busy. They were not the least bit interested in the discharge pipework.

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Amazingly I got a reply over night from the BC officer:


The commissioning certificate is normally provided by the installer to confirm that the system has been installed as described within the manufactures guidance and tested to ensure its working properly before the building is occupied.  We don't necessarily require a formal certificate for this, although most manufacturers provide a template, but some confirmation that the system is up and running would be required.


So not as onerous as I first though, phew, thanks all 

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