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Fixing External Insulation to ICF


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We are building using Amvic Platinum 300mm blocks - U value 0.2. We want to get down to ~0.15 and the agreed solution with the builder was 25mm celotex on the inside of the external walls to get to 0.16 before finishes. I'm now rethinking this and adding 50mm external EPS will get us to 0.15. Reason for this change of heart is that we have concrete floor slabs resting on various parts of the walls, so we've lost the inner 75mm EPS layer in several places around the building, plus some rooms are already on the small side and could do with that extra 25mm.


Anyway, I remember reading a blog where somebody fixed extra insulation to their ICF but I can't find it.


How would you do it? Expanding foam and screws? How many per sheet?

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