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Large outer building

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I have recently purchased a property which has a large outer building (7m wide x 8x length). The owner had told me he never applied for any planning/building regs when it was built and thinks it may have required after he had built it as the total area exceeds the 30m2 limit. He mentioned the neighbours were fine with it which is why they've not complained.


How old does the building have to be before it becomes exempt from getting permission? What does everyone advise I do?



Edited by fkhan1
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Yes normally 4 years except when the breech of planning involves a change of use (eg residential building built on agricultural land) or its a breech of a planning condition in which case it's 10 years.


You would be advised to get a letter or other evidence from the seller that helps prove when the building was finished. 


There is no limit on Building Regulations enforcement as much of the regulations relate to safety. You could ask him to take out an insurance policy to cover you against building control turning up and insisting you make expensive changes. That wouldn't cover you if you invite building control.


Edited by Temp
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This suggests that after 12 months, building control cannot enforce building regulations compliance   https://hoa.org.uk/services/ask-an-expert-2/ask-an-expert-i-am-selling-questions/selling-without-building-regulations/


They can issue a dangerous building notice, but it would have to be in a pretty bad state for that.  If it looks solid and is showing no sign of falling down, I suspect you have nothing to worry about.


Just don't go asking building control to look at it.

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