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Priming woodwork


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My staircase got delivered today, and all being well, will be fitted in the next couple of days.  It's made from pine (stringers and risers) with oak treads, the plan being that we will paint the pine white and oil the oak treads.


Obviously I need to prime the pine before applying whatever paint finish we decide upon.  My question is should I prime (and indeed apply the finishing coats) before or after oiling the oak treads?  Either way I will be masking (very carefully) the treads, but there is always a risk that primer  /  paint will find its way / bleed onto the edge of the oak.  Just wondering what would be the easiest to deal with if that happened.


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Same sort of look as mine. I painted all the pine bits white before they where installed. Gave them all a buff with fine sandpaper and put about 4 coats of paint on. 

When you are oiling the treads make sure you tape up the pine or the oil will make it go yellow. The green frog tape is good for this.

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