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MVHR controls



This is what my system controls would look like if I didn't have a computerised home automation system:






Wait a minute,  I haven't got a computerised home automation system!






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The solution is simple and sound. First we need to identify a start point. This can be done by PIR whitch sets off the proceedure by detecting arrival of target instance.. A microphone then records to a database the sounds made by the target for the duration of the active PIR. Then using a bit of machine learning it identifies from the sound the actual activity of the target. The key sounds are then used to trigger the required extraction type and the required duration e.g. Boost, super boost, five or ten minutes, a week etc. It is likely that  individual targets would have specific profile sounds and these could be used to profile  boost and durations for the identified target.


Use of the data could open up many other possibilites.... hmm.


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4 minutes ago, Ajn said:

The solution is simple and sound. First we need to identify a start point. This can be done by PIR whitch sets off the proceedure by detecting arrival of target instance.. A microphone then records to a database the sounds made by the target for the duration of the active PIR. Then using a bit of machine learning it identifies from the sound the actual activity of the target. The key sounds are then used to trigger the required extraction type and the required duration e.g. Boost, super boost, five or ten minutes, a week etc. It is likely that  individual targets would have specific profile sounds and these could be used to profile  boost and durations for the identified target.


Use of the data could open up many other possibilites.... hmm.


Yes - this sounds like a good approach 

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4 minutes ago, Ajn said:

The solution is simple and sound. First we need to identify a start point. This can be done by PIR whitch sets off the proceedure by detecting arrival of target instance.. A microphone then records to a database the sounds made by the target for the duration of the active PIR. Then using a bit of machine learning it identifies from the sound the actual activity of the target. The key sounds are then used to trigger the required extraction type and the required duration e.g. Boost, super boost, five or ten minutes, a week etc. It is likely that  individual targets would have specific profile sounds and these could be used to profile  boost and durations for the identified target.


Use of the data could open up many other possibilites.... hmm.


Well this is a problem because there is no recognition of the possibility of misconstruing someone who is constipated. The boost could end up staying a on a month. I think that as the problem is the smell, the sensor must recognise an unpleasant smell.

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2 hours ago, Marvin said:

Well this is a problem because there is no recognition of the possibility of misconstruing someone who is constipated. The boost could end up staying a on a month. I think that as the problem is the smell, the sensor must recognise an unpleasant smell.

The AI would cope with that.

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Didn't think its a sound idea?


Well this is my starter for ten to go in our downstairs loo...(we are only single storey but..what else to call it?). There is a shower in this room so it was going to have a RH sensor.  I have added a PIR to the RH sensor.

I have also included a light sensor, more to determine who has left the light on.... (I know who it is... but need to catch them)

The sensors connect to a D1mini wifi micro controller running esp-easy. The output via wifi goes to a MQTT server running on a respberry pi. This also runs Node red as the control software and Web user interface.  Node red controls all my heat recovery and heating activity including recording data to an SQL server.


So to trigger "additional ventilation".

I have ordered a mic and ADC (anolog to digital converter) recorder that will create a sound file to be stored in segments as triggered by the PIR. Software on the pi will look at the sound files to learn when the ventilation needs to be activated above the background level and for how long.


Pictures are the PIR, RH and light sensors built on the back of a single blank face plate. This goes in the ceiling not far from the extract vent and one of the lights.IMG_20220211_204926_5.thumb.jpg.6092f2b8bfacb465062353630302cefb.jpgIMG_20220211_204853_9.thumb.jpg.5fbf05557d2195587c6797cdb1f06fd1.jpgIMG_20220212_140222_573.thumb.jpg.ef9e39ad6182b305002aeef4da1bbf01.jpgIMG_20220211_204926_5.thumb.jpg.6092f2b8bfacb465062353630302cefb.jpgIMG_20220211_204926_5.thumb.jpg.6092f2b8bfacb465062353630302cefb.jpgIMG_20220211_204853_9.thumb.jpg.5fbf05557d2195587c6797cdb1f06fd1.jpg

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Wow people have far to much time on their hands...and money


I must being boring with a £2 manual switch, not sure how I cope.

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I wanted a pir sensor for the ensuite so during the night putting the light on didn't wake everyone with the annoying click.

When I read how much power the sensor used I installed a double pull switch and a half watt orange Led which comes on when the lights are out. 


The benefit with this is that in the dead of night you don't need much light to see and it runs at about 1/10th of the energy for a PIR.

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If you’re worried about the cost of running a PIR sensor then I need to review my house! I value things for how much I like it or how much they improve my life, not how much they cost to run…..

PIR in cloakroom and landing ( landing light sits at 20% until triggered to 100% ) mean no light left on and complete convenience.  A pull cord is the absolute last thing I’d ever allow anyone to fit in my house, bloody horrible things! Just fit a sensor and I’ll give you the £3 p/a needed to run it at the start of each year :D 

For MVHR, I just fit humidity sensors in each bathroom and a press button switch for ablutions for the cloakroom ( 5 min boost ) and the same switch in the kitchen for preemptive boost ( 30 mins or 1 hour boost ) accordingly. 
£10 for 2 switches, £30 zero-volt digital timer contractor for the kitchen extended boost, job done.  

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On 14/02/2022 at 08:06, Nickfromwales said:

Just fit a sensor and I’ll give you the £3 p/a needed to run it at the start of each year

I'm preparing the bungalow for off grid. 

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11 minutes ago, Marvin said:

I'm preparing the bungalow for off grid. 

You’ll be preparing for a long time….


Keep the questions coming, you have my curiosity!! 

Maybe exchange “off grid” for “minimal grid dependency”?

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18 minutes ago, Nickfromwales said:

You’ll be preparing for a long time….


Keep the questions coming, you have my curiosity!! 

Maybe exchange “off grid” for “minimal grid dependency”?

Your right, a long time. I think about 10 years, if we're still all here. 

Minimal grid dependency is of course the sensible choice.


I think of an EV as a mobile battery and wonder if in the future the power in the car cannot be reversed into the house when needed, obviously within certain limits, storing power when excess and using when required. I think the EV we are waiting for will hold about 80kWh. If so I will have to upgrade my 13amp charging cables! ?


Although, even with this idea, we still could not last the winter out, which is a shame as our PV will supply all our power for the year, just not at the time we need it.

Edited by Marvin
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On 15/02/2022 at 22:22, Marvin said:

the future the power in the car cannot be reversed into the house

In the past the bloke over the road reversed his powerfull car into his house. The house nor the car didn't do well.

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11 hours ago, Ajn said:

In the past the bloke over the road reversed his powerfull car into his house. The house nor the car didn't do well.

Hi @Ajn

I have seen you can buy 90kWh reconditioned car batteries which I'm sure could be used, but at a cost of about £14k just for the battery still too expensive for me which is a shame as the size would fit nicely under my utility suspended timber floor right by the consumer unit. Oh well☹

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12 hours ago, Marvin said:

fit nicely under my utility suspended timber floor right by the consumer unit

Not sure I would want these things in my house. Any fault on them (while rare) would be a disaster. It'snot just the battery but the charge controller which tends to e the expensive bit.  I have a couple of 48v batteries used in MHEV I have been looking at. These batteries are used for the stop start function and power other systems including the charging of the 12v cold start battery. These batteries require an external controller to switch them on and typically its not just a switch wire but a code via the ODB2  bus. I have "parked" them for the moment.

I expect as more of these batteries come on the surplus market the price will drop and the solution more simple.


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