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This is the BBC - Bars, Bolts and Concrete



... and so, in mid July, we had just a few things to do before we could pour concrete. <CUT, CUT, CUT> That's wrong again, you forgot the three spur walls and you've order some wrong parts. Go again, from the top


... and so, in mid July, we had an unknown quantity of things to do before we could pour concrete ? 


But before all of that happened, as a family we were all brought together for one of the inevitable things about life - every one must some day some to an end, this time it was my Mother-in-Law, a real matriarch, in the best way. After having gone through several operations and rounds of chemotherapy, her cancer got to the brain, and all other plans went on hold. We were able to get back to site shortly after she passed away in late August to continue. She did get to visit the site, and was so pleased with where we going to be living.


So, first on the list was the starter bars for the retaining walls with this amazing double row being installed by my erstwhile wife

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and with all those complete, it was onto the underfloor heating loops




and then the bolts that will locate a couple of steel columns




Now, the eagle eyed amongst you will recognise those as M16 bolts (well done to all the bolt nerds), and when a steel fabricator came along, having seen the plans, he fortunately pointed out that they should be M20 bolts. So, if anyone is in need of some 300mm M16 bolts and fittings, tap me up for a deal ?


And, so we thought we were ready for a bunch of concrete, until we visited our friendly ICF supplier to talk about the walls and realised I had omitted the shoring for three extra pieces of wall that needed to be tied to the main slab. So after a stupidly self-imposed extra delay, we managed to get everything in place to have some jolly super chaps (Tom, Phil and Ross) to bring along a concrete pump and other wonderful paraphernalia to pour, tamp and float our insulated slab foundation.


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We can almost smell the completion of the house ?  ?   ?   ?

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Oh my word! That is truly impressive progress, and in the context of such a significant family bereavement, all the more so. I'm sorry for your loss - she sounds like .

I just can't believe the entry of the word 'stupid' anywhere in your blog as I am absolutely blown away by your and your erstwhile wife's skills, and the progress that you have made. Well done indeed. M

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