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I'm sorry trees, you have to go



Having eventually found our plot in episode one, and worked out where the plans had the house to be built we found that a walnut tree had to make way. A second tree, a horse chestnut was also badly diseases with a split trunk and as we didn't want that falling on the newly built house in the Autumn of 2019 (or Fall for our American cousins as I am writing this on Thanksgiving Day 2020) I headed off with equipment in hand to so some tree felling.

First some photos of entrance to site (now wider!)



and then some of the felling



and of course the obligatory fire, and a beautiful sunset as my reward at the end of the first day





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I am curious to know why you went up a ladder and cut the branches off, a dangerous operation?


When I felled my trees, I just felled the tree whole, and then cut it up on the ground.  It looks like you had room to do that.

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its better to leave 5' of trunk, it makes pushing them over and getting the roots out that much easier. If you wanted the stump out that is.

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@ProDave - the branches of one tree were close to the overhead electrical cable in the picture, so I wanted to remove them in small pieces using a handheld saw. The ladder was tied to the tree and pegged to the ground to minimise the risks.

Felling the other tree as a whole had the potential to take out two others at the same time. If I'd had the opportunity, it would have come down as you suggest.

@Dave Jones - As you can in the pictures, a good 18" of trunk was left and my ground worker dug them out and has taken them away


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